Friday, August 05, 2005

Need GOD

Hello everybody!

today was a hot day at work. I install auto equiment for a living. I travel to and from woodland near sac and everywhere in the middle. My story starts on my way back from woodland to Santa Clara were my job has me intsalling some oil reels for this auto shop. Well I was on my way back when I started thinking about how much GOD loves his people. And as my train of thought was goning along I statred to realize and cry about how much GOD has shown HIS love and forgiveness towards all who accept it. At that point with tears in my eyes I thanked GOD for me a sinner who can only give a broken life and broken spirit. I need GOD if I want to get anywhere in life. I cant do any of this on my own. When I die all I can offer GOD is brokenness. Makes me want to cry again. But that is the beauty of GOD HE can take anything and make whatever HE wants. Well that's all for now.