Monday, September 26, 2005

Letting go

Today I wanted to cry. I lot has happened as some of you know. But today I wanted to focus on something else. I have a problem with anger. I watched a movie called crash. Unfortunately I could not watch all of it. The movie is about racism. I hate racism. The sad thing is I don't know what I am angry about. Is it the fact that people judge others just upon what they look like or just because they are different the others? It doesn't make sense that people hate each other just because of the differences. I was taught that you get to know the person then make you decision. But I have found that if you hate someone for whatever reason that is just as bad. It makes me ask why do we hate? What is hate? And why is it so strong? How do we solve this problem? I don't want to hate anymore. I don't want to hate anybody. JESUS taught to love everybody even your enemies. That will solve the problem. This is a lesson that will take the rest of my life to learn. GOD bless.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i understand your perspective on hate and racism. it is something that i have to live with. i wish i could say that i carried no racism, but that would be a lie. as for the hate, that is something that we will have to combat with for life. keep a positive outlook on life, and just pray for those you know, who are taught hatred at a young age, and don't know any better.


5:08 PM  

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